The Trolleybus Museum at Sandtoft

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The UK's premier Trolleybus Museum, being entirely devoted to this form of transport. Although it is home to a number of diesel buses, these do not generally operate on site (they do however provide a service in the form of collection of visitors from Doncaster and the Isle of Axholme tours). They also feature more at the annual Gathering Event, on the last Sunday of July when many visiting buses and cars attend the rally and many different trolleybuses provide the site service. The website is .

Here are links to a few videos of trolleybuses operating at Sandtoft (note that 619 can be seen operating on its own pages):

Bournemouth 297 re-launched into passenger service, 2007: Bournemouth trolleybus no.297 launched at Sandtoft
Reading Trolleybuses special event, held in May 2006: Trolleybus Museum Reading Event
Reading Trolleybuses special event, night-time video: Trolleybus Museum Reading Event
European Event, featuring various European trolleybuses operating: European Trolleybuses at Sandtoft 2007
French trolleybus ER100 & motorbus PR100 operating: ER100 trolleybus & PR100 motorbus running at Sandtoft

Pictures of 619 in operation at the museum can be seen elsewhere on its own pages; here will be a number of other shots featuring different vehicles. Meanwhile, here is a shot of all Sandtoft's big 6-wheeler red and cream trolleys: London Q1 1812 and Huddersfield's S7 631 and BUT 619.

619+631+1812.jpg (114175 bytes)